"I heard about David through a client and friend of mine a few years ago. I have seen a fair number of psychic's and, despite the amazing readings he'd given her, I was still skeptical. But within minutes, we connected and he gave me one of the best readings I'd ever received. I loved him so much that I decided to offer his expertise to the clients at my spa. The first visit it took a few days to book his schedule solid. But the next time, and every time thereafter, it's only a matter of hours after the word gets out. His schedule instantly gets full with repeat and referred clients. While I don't expect every psychic to connect with every person they see, I am surprised by the consistent connection he has with so many people. He truly has a gift!"
— Stacey Yates, Executive Director SkinSpirit, Palo Alto, CA

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for sepaking with me a few weeks ago. I love hearing what you have to say and what's going on in your life. You have helped me with so much (motivation, excitment, help and so much more) Things have been going really well since we've spoken, I'm getting closer to the things I want!"
— Charisse, San Francisco

"Dave is an amazingly good psychic. He has been so accurate on events in my life. With all the psychic wanna-bes, it is hard to find the real thing. Dave has predicted career changes, surprise situations, unexpected trips, and how I would feel in the future despite my misgivings. I would recommend Dave to anyone."
— John S. West Hollywood

"Dear David,?Thanks so much for the meditation. I haven't read it yet, but wanted to get this out to you ASAP. You may use my name. I live in South Pasadena. David's communications are so pure, clear, and prayerful, I found the vibrations of my life elevated from our very first meeting."
— Linda Rose, Pasadena, CA

"Meeting Dave changed my life. It was my lowest moment. I was experiencing many years of financial crisis, consistent pattern of job loss, lack of male relationships, and what seemed to me as a hopeless future. Dave told me this period of intense trials was ending and that I was soon to change my career and money issues would soon be resolved. Dave counseled me on how to overcome fears of the past through meditation in order to take control of my life and achieve things that are part of my destiny. Dave showed me how to increase my energy level and decrease negative thoughts through visualization. Two years ago, my first reading with Dave was face-to-face. Now readings are via phone. The best part, Dave email's an electronic copy immediately following our reading, allowing you to rewind and catch all the details! Dave is extremely professional, caring, and fully invested in his client's development. I can't say enough good things about Dave."
— Linda Haskell, Sales & Marketing Executive, Los Altos, CA

"Over an 18-month period I went through a very uncertain time in my life. I found David's readings to be very accurate, and therefore, reassuring. I highly recommend David to anyone, he has a unique power which I believe to be a gift God gave him."
— Vivian, Beverly Hills, CA

"Following 2 readings with Dave Tillman I have no doubt in his ability to see and predict into the other world. My last reading was conducted 'long distance'. I was in Sydney Australia and Dave was in Los Angeles. Once again Dave was there at the right time and literally saved my life. He intuitively knew exactly what was happening in my life and then guided me through to a better place. All this with 17,000 of ocean separating us!"
— Brian Hickey, Sidney, Australia

"Working with David for the past 6 years has changed my life. He has guided me through challenging real life situations and has taught me skills and practices with which to develop my own intuition. He is a powerful shaman who deeply cares about the people who find their way to him. He is a master at affirming, raising energy and guiding which allows his clients to live life to their fullest. No doubt he has made me face myself on many occasions. For me, the end result has always been relief, satisfaction and empowerment. I am blessed to have David in my life and I highly recommend that you retain him as part of your wellness practitioner team."
— Susan LeSage, Woodland Hills, CA